Life is Life!

#062 Shootin the Financial S^&#! - Self Care

Felipe Arevalo, Chase Peckham, Katie Utterback Season 3 Episode 11

The team is joined by our third team member Katie! The team catches up on financial, self care and other everyday topics like:

  • How are you staying entertained during COVID
  • What are some free or almost free self care ideas
  • How the team did on Amazon Prime Day (Hint: Felipe didn't do as well)
  • Also Chase discovered a new app 

We chat about all this and more in our Quarantine Update #3.
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[inaudible] Welcome to Talk Wealth, to Me, a safe space podcast, where we chat about anything and everything related to personal finance, the information contained in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. It does not constitute as accounting, legal tax or other professional advice.

Chase Peckham:

I am so excited! We've got Katie. Katie is back. She is with us live and in person. So happy. How are you? I'm

Katie Utterback:

Honestly, I'm doing well. How are you?

Chase Peckham:

We're doing good. We're doing good. Yeah. It's been fun, but it's not the same without you every, uh, every week, but, uh, understandably so, but we wanted to take this opportunity to do our normal round table. Do a catch up. How are we doing? Uh, what are the things that we're seeing out there in the community? Uh, whether it be family, friends, uh, financially through our, our clientele, the different audiences we're speaking and from. And so where are we at this point now reaching fall, uh, of our pandemic in 2020. How's everybody doing?

Katie Utterback:

I'm fatigued, I'm fatigued, but I'm staying home.

Chase Peckham:

Are you home fatigued?

Katie Utterback:

Yes. Like I, it's weird. I think my husband put it the best in a question to me because the other week I was really struggling and I was just feeling super trapped was the word that I had used. And part of it was that our dog had just had a neutering procedure, so he couldn't go outside either. And so it was kind of like, you know, the, the morning walk with him, like all of these things that I had come to look forward to and like doing with him, things that were keeping me active, I had to stop. And then on top of that, I felt guilty. Like I didn't want to go outside without him and have him just sit there in the cone, looking at me. So we kind of all did it together, but now all that's over, I'm feeling a lot better that I've been outside, but my husband was like, is it worth it to you to get sick? Like, are you willing to go, you know, to the beach or go somewhere and risk that? And I was like, no, no, it's not.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. But I mean, at least outdoor spaces. I had my physical yesterday and I think the last time we talked, Katie, I went through a little bit of anxiety. I got a little bit of hypochondria. And so, and my poor wife, her birthday's in October and my, so it was my physical. And so all like for the last three years around her birthday, I get all been like, worried about my health and how that's all going to turn out. And by the way, everything is okey-dokey. So we're good. And I feel, but you know, you, you, I was speaking with my doctor about all this, and I'm just saying, so what is the real scoop? You know, we hear so much and he's like, look, if you're outside, it is incredibly difficult to get it, incredibly difficult. Um, in fact, it's almost none. It's what we worry about and why they're so worried about the winter, especially in places that have winter, unlike San Diego, you know, we, we can be outside 365 days a year, really, even when it's raining, it's not super cold. Uh, and, and, and as we know, it, doesn't rain a ton either. Um, but that's why they're worried about the places where it's going to snow and be super cold and you can't go outside because it just does, man. It's made of stuff manifest itself, more indoors. Um, so he did say if, you know, he was telling me, he's like, you know, if you're outside and you know, you're going to be, it'll, it'll be all right. It's just, you know, don't be with people you don't know, stick with the people that you do know. Um, and then even when you're inside, you just stay at least six feet apart. Um, so he's like that, that made me feel a little bit better at at least when we're outside. And if, and then especially if you want to wear a mask, that's even doubling it, um, your safety, so, and others. So that's good.

Felipe Arevalo:

I think, I think a lot of like popular outdoor San Diego things, like you mentioned the beach, things like that when it's a really nice weekend and you're like, wow, this would be the weekend where I would go down to the beach, even if it was for a little bit, you're not the only one thinking,

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

So it becomes like all of San Diego let's go to the beach.

Chase Peckham:

And that's fair too.

Felipe Arevalo:

And then, then it becomes almost impossible to keep distance from individuals because there's just nowhere to go because it's just a crowded, uh, area.

Chase Peckham:

And are you enjoying yourself? Because you're constantly thinking all these people around me, so you're probably not

Felipe Arevalo:

Right. You're probably not happening anyways.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

So I, I we've done a pretty much staying in, uh, it is to the point where it's like, man, I really just want to go somewhere. I like driving. So that's where I've found my, uh, outlet where I can drive like the other weekend. Uh, my little one Ignacio. He's not a good napper. Uh, but at two he still needs to nap, put them in the car. And I drove around two hours. Uh, and he napped the whole time. It was great. Um, we drove up to, uh, like Carlsbad, uh, Encinitas area and then just drove down the coast.[sirens] And it was really a nice drive fro me. And I got, I live by a fire station sorry.

Chase Peckham:

I was wondering.

Felipe Arevalo:

And it was, it was good. We got to roll down the windows, going down the coast and get some of that ocean air. Um, and we stayed away from everyone. It was just, yeah, it was fun. Barrington got to look out the window and check out the waves and, and do all that. And Ignacio just took his weekend nap in the car while we drove around.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah, that's good. That's good that, you know, it's, again, it's a personal thing, you know, it's how everybody individually, uh, feels and how to handle this thing. And I think that's, you know, financially, it's interesting that I've been noticing that more and more people. I think the fatigued word, Katie that you used is, is very apropos because many, many, many, many people that we've been around, uh, are feeling that same way. We were just on a conference the last three days, a video conference that we would Felipe and I, that our organization I've spoken at, uh, and also attended as, as just an attendee. Uh, and it's just not the same, right. You're sitting there and you're doing all these great things and there's good presentations and as great as our, I think our presentations are, it's still, it's over a Zoom. It's so hard to really get into it because your surroundings are still your living room or your bedroom or whatever it might be. And so I w I was thinking that, you know, financially, we've talked about where you spend your money on a lot of these things, and it's coming to the point where, you know, you think about, you know, do I spend money on things for myself that kind of take away some of that anxiety or, uh, you know, do I, do we go out and do we just try, you know, we did, we traveled and saw Keri's family, and there was a little bit of anxiety, but that was incredible. And it was just us in our family. Nobody's sick. Um, the, the plane ride was, I was nervous for it and it ended up being great. I mean, everybody wore masks the entire time nobody was near us. Um, so, you know, and, and that all turned out okay. But I was thinking financially, uh, there are so many places that you can go now for self-help for, to talk to somebody, to, if you have anxiety or you find that you might be feeling the effects of, of depression with, you know, that you don't know if you are, you know, there's, everybody feels depression at some kind of level. Not that doesn't mean that you have, um, that, that you are clinically depressed. Uh, it just means that, you know, everybody can fall into that. And this is, I was talking to believe it or not my, my therapist the other day. And it's incredible, the amount of sheer numbers of people that are, that are having mental health issues through this. Um, and it's difficult, but, uh, a lot of people don't want to spend their money on themselves. Um, and yet I think you should, and if you can look into it and hopefully if you have insurance, uh, why not look for different things that you can talk to somebody and there's organizations online, um, that you can do that now, right from your home?

Katie Utterback:

Yeah. Well, I think too, for self care, I actually just, um, you know, part of the reason I'm not on the show right now is I've been really working on the blogs for DebtWave. And I actually just wrote, um, a blog on 50 self care ideas that are completely free because that's kind of something that we, I was interviewing a therapist, a psychologist, and she was talking to me about self-care and how this idea that self care means that you book yourself a massage or that it costs you, something is actually flawed.

Chase Peckham:

And that's great!

Katie Utterback:

Self-care is also considering your finances, because if you go and you book a massage and you overextend your financial self, that's going to stress you out. I mean, it would stress me out and it would really undo everything that the massage was intended to do.

Felipe Arevalo:


Katie Utterback:

So I think, you know, for me right now, like you were saying, chase, like your family went on a trip, um, Felipe has been driving, there's all these little things that we can do that are free or low cost for me. Like, you can't see it right now, but I have, uh, candles lit and I have incense going. Cause that's just something that it's a nice little ambiance touch. It's completely free, but it's, it's just a nice little thing that kind of just improves the mood, you know?

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. And I think that's where, depending on where everybody is, there are so many little things you can do, but if you don't know what those are, you've got to search them out, um, to find out what does help you. And also knowing that this stress that has been accumulating over all these months of just between, you know, COVID and then the presidential race, and just, you know, global, you know, politics and social injustice and all of these things that have been going on in 2020. There's no wonder that my neck and my back are seizing up and, um, you know, cause you don't even realize it. My doctor was telling me yesterday, we take so much stress in our bodies. Don't even realize it until they just pop. And so we've got to do self care. And like you mentioned, there's so many of those things, what are some of those things that we can do?

Katie Utterback:

So the first piece of advice that I got, so I have 50 different ideas for you on the blog. I'm not going to go through all 50 right now, but the first piece of advice was to be compassionate to yourself. So that there's an inner critic that lives within all of us. And that's the voice that says like, how dare you spend your$10 on yourself at target, or how dare you buy that juice, you know, for lunch or whatever. And so treat yourself like you would treat your friends. So when a friend comes to you and is saying like, you know, gosh, I feel kind of worthless or whatever, you would never agree with that friend and be like, yeah, you were not worth that$10.

Chase Peckham:


Katie Utterback:

You need to be your own best friend. You need to be your own advocate because nobody else is going to do that for you. So if your body needs that$10, celery juice be okay with that, say like I needed this, my body needed this. Right. And then that's kind of a self-compassion technique that will start changing your mindset. So this could be toward money, but it could be toward other things too. Um, with stress, you know, if you're feeling really stressed, maybe you just take a moment and you're just compassionate with yourself. Like you said, Chase, there's a lot going on. There's the political tension, there's all of this racial injustice that's been happening for a really long time, but it's coming out of the shadows. Now. There's a lot of different issues that's happening too. And it's just, it's a lot,

Chase Peckham:

it's a lot to take in.

Katie Utterback:

It is a lot. So other things you can do, I'm someone who really loves water. Um, you can take a bath taking a 15, 20 minute Epsom salt bath is great. It helps reduce cortisol levels. It doesn't just feel good.

Chase Peckham:

A bath gives away, takes away, takes down your cortisol levels?

Katie Utterback:

Correct. An Epsom salt bath will help reduce your cortisol levels. It does something with your limbic system. Um, a shower will have a similar effect. It's not as intense, but if you don't have a bathtub, a shower will work wonders. So if you just kind of imagine the stress washing off of you and going down the drain, it's a lot of imagery, but it's kind of that same effect. Journaling is a great one. Um, but then there's also things like having more fun. When is the last time you played a board game or like whipped out a deck of cards? I'm sure we've all spent hours laughing hysterically over a deck of cards, like playing some sort of game, right?

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:


Katie Utterback:

So why not do that? And then, you know, if you have kids, I'm sure your kids may have a Switch or a PlayStation or something that they're always belly laughing over, ask to join them. There's nothing like laughing with a kid, right? So contagious.

Felipe Arevalo:

That's the one we do a lot with, with Barrington. We have our weekly, if he does good in school, which he does because of"game night" where I let, we let him stay up on a Friday, Saturday, well past his normal bedtime. And it makes him feel super cool because he's staying up till 10 or 11, or even later, if he doesn't knock out and I just kind of let him go and he will sit there and play, you know, whatever, a video game he wants to play on the Switch. And I usually beat him when they're competition. So it's teaching him how to lose as well. Uh, but it doesn't cost any more money. He's already got the thing he's already, um, you know, it's already there. It's just buy him some snacks and he drinks a Capri Sun. Uh, and I eat some snacks as well. And uh, and then we just play video games and it's something I would have done growing up something if I had a whole bunch of time to do, I'd probably still be doing all the time myself so I can have fun. Now. He has fun with it too. And it's something where, you know, it's, it also just allows us to just sit and chit chat because what else are you gonna do when you're playing video games?

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. And it's not costing an arm and a leg to do that either.

Felipe Arevalo:


Chase Peckham:

And, and you're right. Another thing that you were talking about. Uh, we have set up something with all of our family. Um, so every week some but everyone in the family is going to have a night to make dinner. So like last night Clay made meatball sandwiches and he did it all. And he said, what a great night this was, this was, and yet he was working, right. He was actually doing something. And yet in most kids and him, especially because Clay is pretty darn lazy when it comes to a lot of stuff. Like I don't want to do that, you know, but he, it took his mind away from everything else. And if you think about it, we were just all watching him. And we were our minds. Weren't in our phones constantly looking at what the what's going on in the debates or what's going on in a game, or w you know, who is, is been murdered where, because the 24 hour news cycle that we get on social media constantly takes our mind to that place where we were just literally focusing here right here and within. And that's what so many people talk about. And I've been learning meditation and doing those things of being present and, and just focusing on the now and because it's impossible to get away. It's almost impossible to get away from all the noise around. And

Felipe Arevalo:

I love cooking.

Chase Peckham:

And it's healthy!

Felipe Arevalo:

That's one of my, one of my go to of like relaxing. And Sarah asked me the other day, I don't remember what I was making. She said,"do you need help?" Sounds like you're doing a lot in there. I was like, no, because yes, I could use the help. But I liked the fact that I'm stressing over keeping track of this and keeping track of that, because there's literally no time for me to concentrate on anything, except making sure I don't mess this up. And it's just cooking. And I could just go and I just go, and I may have a beverage on the side. And it just, it makes it like a moment where I'm de-stressed and I made a mess and it came out okay. But at the end of the day, I was able to just put everything else away and I need to concentrate, or I'm going to burn this and I'm going to burn that. And it was, and we had to eat anyways. So it's not like a waste of money.

Chase Peckham:

You know, that thing, that eating it's very inconvenient deal. Right?

Felipe Arevalo:


Katie Utterback:

Cooking and baking are also on the list because you're absolutely right. And you Zen out because you have to stay in the present moment. And that's what I learned in writing this blog is that that's where anxiety and stress comes from. It's when we're living too far in the present thinking too far ahead, or we're going too far in the past.

Chase Peckham:


Katie Utterback:

Yeah so meditation or prayer is a great way to stay in the present or.

Chase Peckham:

Both. Absolutely. I I'm a hundred percent for it. I've, I've learned a lot and it's free. Uh, Katie, you were talking about water. Uh, you know, we, I found an app. I actually, I shouldn't say I found my wife found an app, uh, through a friend of hers. Uh, we love noise at night when we go to bed and we used, we used to have a fan that was pretty loud, but then my wife would get cold. Cause she's, you know, she gets cold easily and I get hot easily, but we started listening to like rain or ocean breaks. And we found an app called sleep miracle. And it's called the app is called white noise, uh, for relaxing sleeps out there. And there's everything from slow running water down a Creek to water a water crashing on a beach at a Lake, which is what I grew up with. So for me,

Felipe Arevalo:

I like crickets.

Chase Peckham:

It brings me back to my childhood of growing up on a Lake and, and hearing just the water from the, you know, just kinda crashing against the rocks. And it's just so soothing that, I mean, Keri and I, we woke up this morning and I said, Oh my gosh, that's the best I've slept in months. And, and I'm a good sleeper, but I haven't, I've noticed through this thing that I'm not sleeping as well. Uh, and so who knows, I mean, I think we all know probably why, because our minds are going a million miles a minute. I call it monkey brain. Um, so if you look up that, that app, it's, uh, it's awesome. I mean, I, I wish,

Felipe Arevalo:

I like white noise.

Chase Peckham:

You know, you Guys ever notice that you guys have, how many of you do you guys have alarm clocks?

Katie Utterback:


Chase Peckham:

So do you ever notice that sometimes those alarm clocks, you gotta put a book or something in front of it because it's so dang bright, right? If it doesn't have that dimmer on it, but yet you still love to wake up in the middle of the night and just glance over right. To see what time it is instead of fumbling for your phone or,

Felipe Arevalo:

Well, I was going to say the alternative is turning on your phone screen and that's so much brighter.

Chase Peckham:

Oh, it's so bright. And then you got to find it and then you wake yourself, right?

Felipe Arevalo:

Then you see a notification.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. You're like w and then you find out what time it is, but it, you woke up trying to find it instead of just kind of opening your eyes and looking, and, and now you're going, Oh, crud, I'm awake now. Dang it. And it's 1:47 in the morning. And you're like excited because I got so much time before I have to wake up, but you're also going, how am I going to go back to sleep? Right. So this, this app also has that element on it, on your phone, and it doesn't put your phone to sleep. So it's very dim, but then you can look and see, it looks like a, like an alarm clock. It's got that feature on it. And it's, that, that was pretty cool too. I don't have that issue. My wife, my wife has that major issue. She just likes to look at the clock, but ours is so bright that it's like, Oh, I don't want to put on a sleep mask. I hate sleep masks. Um, it's just funny, the little things that if you look for them, the things that can bring you comfort and they don't have to cost an arm and a leg, you know, cause you look at your social media. If you, if you're a Facebook person or you're an Instagram person or a Twitter, you know, it's amazing the marketing, you know, we've talked about that, that they know your every move. Uh, I was listening to a podcast the other day was Sarah Gilbert was on it. If you know, she's on the Conners, grew up on Roseanne. She, she started to talk. She was talking about how she's like, I know they're going to market me and target me, but I'm going to click anyway, because I want you to want to see that. And you know that when you click on this thing, you're going to get 500 commercials. You know, you're going to get 500 ads with all that stuff.

Felipe Arevalo:

And you can tell it's clickbait what the marketing world calls clickbait.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

Where it's like, you're going to get the actual story that you wanted, or the actual product. You're, there's just what they put on there to get you to click on the thing, you know, so they can get the clicks. And you know what, sometimes you're like, why am I clicking on this?

Chase Peckham:

But you can't help yourself.

Felipe Arevalo:


Katie Utterback:

I will say, I did buy one thing off of there. So first off, if you are starting to get FOMO from social media, just mute it. There are apps you can put on your phone that help you, you know, limit the amount of time you're spending on it. Cause that's a real quick way to get stressed out and anxious and feel like you're missing out on life. Um, but I did. So I'm on this non-toxic journey. I'm trying to replace all of my cosmetics and the products that I use to be cruelty-free non-toxic and there's this soap company from Maui. So I'm sure I'm guessing, you're surprised I clicked on this ad, but it's got like a loofa inside the soap and it smells incredible. It's all handmade non-toxic. So I've been buying that,

Chase Peckham:

You know, I think again, that whatever makes you feel more comfortable, but it's funny how you, you know, just, just that, you know, the idea of a try, you know, there's a lot of people that I know that are going through keto diet right now, you know, and then, but they stress out so hard trying to find the right foods to eat and all those kinds of they're like, Oh, I don't want to eat that. But gosh, it's so hard to find this and find that. And um, so there's so many different things you can stress about. Um, and, and I have, you know, many friends that are, that are doing that. Our Vons has a huge amount of, you know, they're very big on non-toxic very natural products. Um, so you can find them in it. And that's a great thing if that's what you want to do. And that brings you comfort and that makes you feel like you're helping in some way. I think that's a, that's a, that's a way you should go.

Katie Utterback:

Oh yeah. I was telling Felipe, um, on kind of a sillier or note my chocolate addiction update, which is, I just learned that there's something called"big chocolate." So I'm going to have to go cold turkey. Um, cause it's actually really not a light story, but there are child laborers essentially in Africa that are harvesting the cocoa. So now I'm on a cold turkey, no chocolate journey, you know, that

Chase Peckham:

Coco has made in other places than Africa, right?

Katie Utterback:

Yes. But the Hershey's and Mars company would be the recipients of, of this, uh, crop.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

I told her. She's got to find craft chocolate.

Katie Utterback:

So if you have any organic, um, like I don't even know what I'm looking for.

Chase Peckham:


Katie Utterback:

I'm looking for organically sourced chocolate. That's not harvested by children with machetes and pesticides.

Chase Peckham:

That's... I don't mean to laugh, but I think that's probably the way to go is avoid that at all costs

Felipe Arevalo:

Ther's got to be a craft chocolate. Um, there's craft everything else, craft beer, craft soda,

Chase Peckham:

Like kraft singles?

Katie Utterback:

That's what I thought at first.

Felipe Arevalo:

No craft as in like a small.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

Mom and pops and locally, they know their chocolate grower.

Chase Peckham:

Get your Kraft singles and your chocolate here. The other thing that I've noticed through this whole thing, you know. Katie, speaking of stress levels and buying in my neighborhood, at least, I swear, I run into 5,000 Amazon vans a day and I don't, and I don't travel very far. I mean, I drive my kids to practice. I may go to the office every once in a while. It's been a week or so since I've been to the office, but I, man, I see those Amazon vans everywhere. Those guys are busy.

Felipe Arevalo:

They are well, they had Prime Day. Um, and I definitely saw a surge. I see them a lot too.

Chase Peckham:

How did everybody do on prime day? By the way? I didn't, I didn't even know about it.

Felipe Arevalo:

Pass? No I'm playing. Um, I did buy some things, but it was, it was things that for the most part, minus one necessities, I said, he's like, it's starting to get cold. So I pajamas for the kids and especially Ignacio and that kind of thing. Uh, I did buy a Soda Stream, which.

Chase Peckham:

We talked about that good for you. That's a long-term investment though.

Felipe Arevalo:

With the intent of it will probably pay for itself back. You know, I drink a lot of bubbly water, Sarah drinks it as well and we're home a lot. So we're going through cases of the thing. Uh, so hopefully I think I finally, after about a week, figured out how to get the right amount of bubbles and flavor in my water. Uh, it took a lot of trial and error. Uh, but I think I finally figured it out and, and we'll see how long the little CO2 containers last, but, uh, in the long run it'll actually save me money and a bigger initial cost. But they were on super sale for, for prime day. The thing that bothered me is I bought it on, there was two days of prime day. I bought it the first day and it was$15 cheaper the next day. Uh, and I was sitting there like really, if I just slept on it, like I told myself to I'd say$15. Uh, but it was just, I tweeted Amazon about it. They didn't do anything about it, but, um, it was a good try. I tried to get Amazon to respond and say, we'll credit you$15, but not this time.

Katie Utterback:

I didn't buy anything on, on prime day, but I've been, uh, trying to celebrate little things more so now that my husband's birthday is a little thing, but I'm, I have like a giant pack of balloons and I bought those balloons too with like letters to try to spell it out, happy birthday. But I haven't, I haven't figured out if I have all the letters to do that yet. So that's kind of where I've been spending. My money is just like kind of cheesy decor like that, just to kind of try to make the days seem more enjoyable.

Felipe Arevalo:

Yeah. And I think, well, Sarah and I have also been eating healthier. Um, it's working out better for her than me, uh, because I occasionally we'll still have one of the little bags of hot Cheetos or, uh, beverages that include carbohydrates like beer. Um, and she doesn't, she cut those out. So she's losing weight faster than I am. But you know, we, we do have that once a week cheat day where we order food from somewhere. Um, but it actually saves money eating healthy because I have to make sure I plan out the groceries for the week. And then veggies are cheaper than I know Katie you've been putting on social media, the meatless Mondays. Uh, I haven't done that yet. I was forget I've had like meatless Wednesdays, but just because that's where they end up falling, but I haven't tried it on like a schedule thing, but you can save money by just buying a giant thing of like a boneless, skinless chicken at Costco and dropping it in a, like a Crock-Pot. And then you have like five meals out of the thing in some form or another, you could do it with barbecue, do with a Buffalo sauce or something like that, where it's healthy and it's actually cheaper. And I've just been trying to eat eating vegetables, which is not a thing for me.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. I mean, I do that all the time. I'm smoothies, I eat vegetables like crazy and I'm not a big vegetable fan. I just, I make smoothies twice a day. Now. I'm glad you said that Phil. Cause I for I've noticed through, uh, the pandemic that I slowly and very secretly gained like 15 pounds didn't even really realize it until I saw a picture of me doing a video for our golf tournament. And I went, Oh, what, what happened to me? You know, it's like, I super noticed it. It's not like my pants got super tight or that I realized. Um, but I, and I started watching what I was. I realized I didn't realize how much I was eating, how much cheese I was eating. I didn't realize how much, um, you know, chips and those things that I like those savory. Uh, I've cut all that out. I've I've really cut back on the cheese big time. I lost 11 pounds in two weeks. Um,

Felipe Arevalo:

When I weighed myself, it was gosh, like six weeks ago or maybe more I had actually gained about 18 pounds. Um, and it was like, Whoa. And I already had weight to lose to begin with. Uh, so I got rid of those and I'm now at a, a deficit from where from March. So we'll see, I'll keep, I'll keep you guys updated. I just not making progress like I had in the past. Um, I got to get back more on the working out, which is one of the things that I like to do if I, you mentioned like free things you can do, you just put all your running shoes. And like, if I ever start to feel off, um, I like to put on my running shoes and go out for a run. As far as my lungs, knees and hamstrings will let me go and, and, and as quickly as possible. And it, it just kind of, I sometimes have to like limp myself home, but then I feel better. You can take a shower and you're like, wow, that was a good workout. We feeling it for a week or two. But that was a good run.

Chase Peckham:

If you keep it up, you're not going to feel it for a week or two.

Felipe Arevalo:

Oh, I know.

Chase Peckham:

Your body will acclimate. Your body will acclimate.

Felipe Arevalo:

I got to the point where I liked running once years ago. So I know I can get back.

Chase Peckham:

You gotta keep it up.


I mean, over and over,

Chase Peckham:

Just working out in your diet is so important, but as they say, you know, you can work out, but you're never going to work out a bad diet. You're just not sure. That's true.

Katie Utterback:

If you don't like to work out, you can always just put on like your favorite playlist. Like for me, put on like Christina Aguilera, like the nineties diva girls, and I just dance the other day I put on rollerblades and skated around the apartment.

Chase Peckham:

There you go! Well, it's funny. We've, we've talked about that. We were talking with my daughter so much just saying, look, Avery, every day for 20 minutes, you've got to ride the bike or you go outside and run and do sprints, but I go to practice, but she went to practice on a regular time anyway, but she's not getting the recess anymore. She's not getting the walking between classes. She's not getting, you know, she's at home basically going between the living room and our bedroom. And that's not the same energy that you're using on a normal everyday basis. Even though you're going to practice, you are going to practice anyway. So we're trying, we're trying to get our kids in the mindset that they got to keep moving. And that's, you know, we're trying to tell ourselves the exact same thing, because it's so easy to get stuck in going, you know what? I'm at home, I'm doing this. It's, it's easy to get into that trap. Um, so yeah

Katie Utterback:

Sounds like very is gonna lead you guys in a dance party later,

Chase Peckham:

Dude, I'm telling you that girl, she watches these dance shows and stuff. Yeah, it's crazy.

Felipe Arevalo:

Katie you've got to get, you have or, your husband has a switch or you guys have a switch. You need to get like the, uh, like the, Just Dance games.

Chase Peckham:

What's a Switch?

Katie Utterback:

Oh, bought that for me! Yes. I did buy that for me, but there's something weird with it where like, you have to have like a subscription.

Felipe Arevalo:

A monthly subscription. Yeah. You do get some free ones

Katie Utterback:

I don't have one. Without the subscription. I actually, I really don't need to follow anybody if you put on music, I will just da nce, but there are free like Zo omba v ideos or workout videos on Amazon prime, YouTube. It's crazy. Like, an d e ven if you're not into dance, there's kickboxing, there's yoga. I j u st w a nt t o d o k ickboxing workouts on Amazon prime. The other day I was dying.

Chase Peckham:

That's awesome. That's great. And it does make you feel better. It does. It really, really does. And it lasts a long time. The endorphins that get you going, um, you know, there's no easy answer for this whole time, and I'm glad to know that both of you guys are hanging in there, uh, because we do. I mean, people stress about finances during normal times, quote unquote, normal times, right? I mean, in a given year, we would say 2020 is pretty crazy just because, and I tell you, every time we go through major elections, I get stressed out a bit because the fighting back and forth, the, the vitriol that is going back and forth, and it's just not what, you know, at least me and I, and I know most human beings, we don't like conflict. We don't want, we want people to be good to each other. And then you throw a pandemic into this thing that none of us have ever experienced. Take it easy on yourself, right. Just there is what is it that most of us want? You know, we, we, as human beings, we want control, right? We, we always want to be in control, but how much of our life is out of our control, most of it, right? So the only thing you can do is control what you can control. You can control your budget, you can control where you're spending your money, but also take a break. Felipe we saw this great speaker at the, uh, the AFCE, uh, conference that's put on by the Institute for financial literacy. And there was this speaker and she talked about, give yourself a break. Why did coffee get such a bad rap within the financial industry? Right? We always, and where we use it to, we always use that as an example of everybody. But you know what, there's a reason that most people go get that coffee or that drink or that latte or whatever it is that brings them peace. And if that works for you, and if that's something that you want to do, don't bang yourself up. As Katie said, at the very beginning, do it. The thing is though, you just, you got to figure out how that fits within the budget. And so you're not spending more than you make, but look, and we tell, we tell this, people tell this to people all the time, right? Phil is, it doesn't matter where you're spending your money. As long as you're spending less than you make it's up to you, who cares do what's right for you,

Felipe Arevalo:

Right? It's personal finances. So.

Chase Peckham:

Personal. Right?

Felipe Arevalo:

It's in the it's, it's in the name, it's in the name, right? And it very much is a personal thing. As long as you're, you know, living within your means and putting money away in savings and doing all the, all of those things. And that's something we teach to students when we teach them about goal setting is there's no right or wrong goals. As long as you're covering the things that you should be covering, uh, you can make a fun goal.

Chase Peckham:


Felipe Arevalo:

And start saving money to do something that, to you make sense. But to some of us might like some people want to go do something on a trip to do zip lining in Costa Rica or something like that. Which to me sounds miserable, but that's not my personal finances. That's their personal finances. So it, as long as you can accomplish all the other things you need to do and save money and do all that, your goals and what you do with your money is your own personal decisions.

Chase Peckham:

That's right. That's absolutely right. Well, look, I, Katie, we're so glad to have you back. I'm so excited. Hopefully you can join us a bit more, uh, as, as you're, uh, just because we miss you. A lot.

Felipe Arevalo:

Love the blogs the're very creative.

Chase Peckham:

Yeah. If you, if you haven't gotten to the blogs, if you haven't read those, you gotta go to and check out the blog session section because, uh, Katie's an incredibly good writer.

Felipe Arevalo:

Sometimes I see the, the title and I, and I ask myself, how did she do this one I'm going to read it.

Chase Peckham:

You know, what we're going to do is we're going to take our blogs and we're going to, we're going to create the talk well to me subjects and go up.

Felipe Arevalo:

If you can get, uh, one of the Kardashians from your last blog on our show that would be great.

Chase Peckham:

Let's get Kim.

Felipe Arevalo:

I've seen you tagging them on social media. I was like, one of them are kind of respond, right?

Katie Utterback:

They're never going to respond.

Felipe Arevalo:

I know.

Katie Utterback:

If I was going to try to get one, though, I would go after Khloé. She's my favorite of the Kardashians.

Felipe Arevalo:

That was like me tweeting at Amazon, hoping that someone would respond to it. It's not going to happen.

Chase Peckham:

Well, you guys have a great, uh, a great rest of your day. And, uh, we'll talk to you guys, uh, soon and have a great weekend.[inaudible].